The energy crisis poses a real threat to our peace of mind and sense of security. Here’s how to keep calm and composed during the worst of it and ride out the storm with the least amount of damage.
It’s been a challenging few years here on planet earth with the COVID-19 pandemic, trade disputes, the Russo-Ukranian War and accelerating climate change. The global energy crisis is the latest in a string of events that are testing our resilience from every angle.
With energy bills mounting and no clear solution, it’s a stressful time for us all.
We can hope that our respective governments do more to protect us but, as history has shown, relying on them wholly is definitely not a strategy we should employ.
Our health, happiness and financial security are in our own hands so we need to protect ourselves.
Here are a few simple practices that we can develop each day to maintain calm, composure and resilience through the energy crisis.
Meditate daily
Meditation is a simple practice that improves our breathing, focus and self-awareness. It promotes relaxation by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and has a number of long-term benefits that include reduced heart rate, blood pressure and negative emotions.
Daily practice is key during stressful times as it gives us much needed silence. Meditation allows us to see things from a different perspective and make better decisions both in the short-term and over the long-term.
We have lots of great articles on meditation and mindfulness here at Ten Bulls to help you learn the basics.
Focus on health
When we are feeling stressed we often indulge in comfort eating and other habits that supply short-term pleasure. For example, eating sugary foods and drinking alcohol. This gives us a fast high but that’s inevitably followed by a deep crash that undermines our ability to cope.
We may be pre-occupied with financial worries this year but in times like these we need to take better care of ourselves to maintain our health and resilience.
That means following a simple daily routine including exercise, water, fresh air, sunshine, a nutritious diet, deep recovery (meditation, PMR, etc.) and a full nights sleep. Focus on health and you’ll be able to handle the energy crisis much better.
Limit the doom scrolling
We all have a desire for information and want to be up to date with what’s happening in the world, but there’s a limit to its usefulness. We really shouldn’t pay so much attention to things that are negative and out with our control.
The most troubled people I know spend much of their day consuming and debating news. They are forever concerned and complaining about something.
Doom scrolling feeds our fear and insecurity. It triggers the fight-or-flight response. It might be ok in small doses but it focusses our minds on the negative and encourages a state of anxiety.
Maintain accurate accounts
Money is not an area where we should place our heads in the sand. In good times or bad, we should know exactly what’s coming in and what’s going out.
Even if you have a low income, it’s important to maintain accurate accounts.
This will allow you to budget, plan and make adjustments to your monthly cashflow.
There’s nothing much in life that’s as stressful as getting an unexpected bill we can’t afford to pay, or not knowing if we can feed our families. Get your accounts in order and that will give you peace of mind.
Tighten your belt
Now’s the time to tighten your belt. Ditch the frivolous spending and dial in on a simpler way of life. You can walk or bike, instead of taking the car. You can shop at Aldi, instead of Waitrose. Eat at home instead of a restaurant. Do you really need that new piece of tech?
In leaner times we need to adopt leaner practices, which are often better for us.
If you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to make use of food banks and government assistance. Do your research, ask for help if you need it, and take advantage of everything that’s available to you.
Refocus on the things that matter
Ditch the news and the endless scrolling. Stop spending money on things you simply don’t need. Forget about the work and the projects that are going nowhere.
Now’s the time to refocus on the things that matter. The things that truly enhance your life.
Dial in on the kind of work you want to do, that will bring home the bacon. Immerse yourself in activities and experiences that give you energy. Reconnect with people that you care about. All the good stuff is usually free.
Do something constructive
Financial stress can be paralysing. It triggers our fears and insecurities, and undermines our confidence. When we’re unsure of ourselves and the state of our finances, it’s easy to get stuck in a negative spiral.
We can combat this by focussing on small positive actions. The kind of actions that solve problems and move us towards our goals. We may not be able to solve the energy crises, but we can do plenty to help ourselves and our loved ones.
What could you do today, tomorrow and the day after to:
- Improve your health
- Manage your stress
- Stabilise your finances
- Increase your earning power
- Improve your quality of life
No matter how small those actions, they help to maintain an internal locus of control. Which, in turn, promotes a sense of calm and composure.
Ride the storm
There’s no doubt that global events change us, and often leave a permanent scar, but they don’t have to destroy us. If we can keep our center and make continuous adjustments, we can navigate the many trials and tribulations of life.
It’s not always easy, but that’s the nature of things.
We ride the storm, we recover, then we prepare for the next one that comes along.